For students, we are here to serve you and guarantee your security in a new country. We offer resources to help develop not only your academic skills, but also your extracurricular success and leisure. Your host family will be your second family to guide you through a new country. If you ever feel uncomfortable under a stranger's roof, you will have a strong support system available 24/7 to support your academic progress and wellbeing. Beyond the classroom, we even offer volunteer opportunities to gain service learning hours and professional development. A full list of services are available in the table below. We're here to support you.
Student Resources | |
Homestay Matching |
Learning Center |
Education Services |
Community Engagement |
Healthcare |
For parents, we understand it is a difficult and arduous transition when your child departs from their homeland. However, we will guarantee a productive and enlightening journey. We make the process less daunting for the students by providing services that will help them make the United States their new home, while staying connected to their family back home. We also have unique services for parents to help bridge the overseas gap. We provide guardianship and contact services to guarantee transparent communcation that your child will be taken care of in a safe and nurturing manner.
Parent Resources | |
Qualified Staff |
Transparent Communication |
Guardianship |